Unlocking potential in all music learners
Keys at Play is a collection of engaging pieces designed to help nurture audiation and artistic performance in developing pianists.
What we believe
Music learning isn't just about playing what's on the page. It's first and foremost about audiation (aural comprehension) - being able to open our ears and make meaning from that which what we hear. This foundational skill is key to all other artistic, musical, and pianistic skills.
Introducing: Keys at Play, Book 1
Teach with Clarity
Check out the overviewIn Keys at Play, new concepts and skills are presented clearly and sequenced in a intuitive way. Simplicity is the key to brilliance, as they say!
Love the Music You Teach
See the breakdownEnjoy imaginative titles and tuneful pieces composed in a wide variety of tonalities beyond major and minor. Variety is the spice of life!
Teach More With Less
View a preview pageEnjoy a minimalist page layout with simple graphics and wide margins. Pages are clutter and distraction free.
Unlock Possibility with Flexibility
Learn moreKeys at Play can be used as a stand-alone resource or as a supplement alongside other piano methods. And it’s friendly for music learners both young and old.
Keys at Play, Book 1
88 progressive pieces for pianists of all ages
The careful sequencing embedded in this book provides students with a lasting foundation of rhythm, technical, aural, and creative skills at the piano.
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Articles from the Archive
Tonalities & Meters in Keys at Play, Book 1
Joy MorinDid you know: The pieces inside Keys at Play, Book 1 were intentionally composed in a diversity of tonalities well beyond major and minor. In addition, the pieces deliberately create an equal opportunity for the...
Tonalities & Meters in Keys at Play, Book 1
Joy MorinDid you know: The pieces inside Keys at Play, Book 1 were intentionally composed in a diversity of tonalities well beyond major and minor. In addition, the pieces deliberately create an equal opportunity for the...
Page Layout inside Keys at Play, Book 1
Joy MorinLearn more about the unique page layout inside Keys at Play and how it can benefit your students.
Page Layout inside Keys at Play, Book 1
Joy MorinLearn more about the unique page layout inside Keys at Play and how it can benefit your students.
Why I Created Keys at Play, Book 1
Joy MorinWhen there are already so many wonderful resources available for piano teaching, why would I want create something new? Read on to find out the reason why and hear a...
Why I Created Keys at Play, Book 1
Joy MorinWhen there are already so many wonderful resources available for piano teaching, why would I want create something new? Read on to find out the reason why and hear a...